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GitHub & AI @ VOICE & AI

Posted by Modev Staff Writers on Aug 15, 2023 8:33:27 AM

Generative AI is all the rage right now. And it's easy to understand why. Through your queries, it can write poetry, compose music, produce images, and write code. That last point hasn't gone unnoticed by GitHub, the platform and cloud-based software development and version control service.

As such, GitHub has recently augmented its offering by supercharging its GitHub Copilot. Now powered by OpenAI's generative AI model and tweaked specifically for GitHub, it can draw context from your code and comments and suggest lines of code or even complete functions in the blink of an eye.

And it promises to be transformative: you can explore how GitHub Copilot is evolving to bring chat and voice interfaces, support pull requests, answer questions on docs, and adopt OpenAI’s GPT-4 for a more personalized developer experience. 

From lowering the barrier of entry into the software development space through low code/no code platforms to assisting seasoned programmers in creating cutting-edge software, GitHub's new Copilot has the potential to democratize programming while bringing software development and the programmer's role to new heights.

You can learn more about GitHub's dive into the world of AI at Modev's upcoming VOICE & AI conference, September 5th through the 7th, at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC. Some of GitHub's top talent will be hosting multiple talks at this year's event.

We thought we'd share a little bit of what they have in store for us.

Increasing Developer Productivity with GitHub Copilot

GitHub VP and Deputy CSO Jacob DePriest will provide an overview of GitHub Copilot and how it can be used to securely automate workflows and enhance developers' productivity.

You'll get a high-level view of the tool's integration and functionality and the opportunity to see it in action as Jacob shares hands-on examples of how Copilot helps developers. As you witness the magic of AI-assisted programming, you'll be provided insights into Copilot's inner workings, keeping everything in a real-world frame. 

By the end of the session, you'll come away with a practical understanding of what the tool could do for you and your organization.

That last point will also be expanded upon in GitHub's follow-up Breakout session later that day:

How to Harness Your Organization's Productivity From Day One With Enterprise-Ready Tools

This Breakout session focuses specifically on the integration of Enterprise AI tools into your organization and how to ensure that you reap the maximum benefits these tools can provide.

It represents a deeper dive into how GitHub now leverages the power of AI across its entire platform. Andrew Weis, Github Field CTO for Public Sector, will highlight some of the things made possible by GitHub's end-to-end use of AI, with a particular focus on how GitHub can partner with organizations to enhance security throughout the development process and strengthen the software development lifecycle.

If you're looking for a down-to-earth overview of what AI-assisted programming can bring to your organization, you won't want to miss either of these sessions.

AI and the Future of Coding

Taking things from a more philosophical angle, Senior Enterprise Advocate at GitHub, Christopher Harrison, looks at the evolving role of developers within the AI landscape.

He starts by looking back at the past and how successive shifts in how we build applications, from new programming languages and frameworks to low code/no code platforms, have changed the software development world. And from there, Christopher leads us back to today, where we have AI tools that can actually code "for us," and asks, where do all these changes leave our developers?

Drawing upon both his extensive experience and the history of software development, Christopher will provide some sobering insights into what AI can and can't do in the world of coding. He'll also explain how to properly integrate AI into current workflows and processes for maximum benefit.

This is the session to attend if you're looking to learn how to get the most available AI-driven tools to step up to the demands developers face today and beyond.

How to Remove Developer Roadblocks and Streamline Productivity with GitHub Copilot

Moving from the philosophical to the practical, Christopher will be hosting a second session that, while aligned with his more philosophical views on the matter, is nonetheless more hands-on.

Given all the challenges developers face in their day-to-day, it's imperative that the tools at their disposal work with them rather than against them. And many times, the imposed workflow breaks developer momentum, slowing down the entire development process.

Christopher will define a next-generation workflow and how it can refine and simplify the development process. He will also demonstrate how to build next-gen workflows by adequately leveraging Codespaces, Actions, Advanced Security, and, of course, GitHub Copilot. 

Panel Discussion: Breaking Barriers: Open Source AI and the Democratization of Technology

Cobus Greyling, Chief Evangelist at HumanFirst, and Christopher Harrison, Senior Enterprise Advocate at GitHub, will be hosting a panel discussion on the theme of open-source AI and the democratization of technology.

Together, they will discuss the latest trends and developments in the AI space while highlighting some of the more promising open-source AI platforms - looking at both their benefits and pitfalls. They'll then widen the scope of the discussion by examining open-source AI's potential in driving innovation forward, facilitating access to the tech, and providing unique opportunities to both businesses and individuals.

Some key topics to be discussed include:

  • The recent advancements in open source AI platforms and technologies.
  • The pros and cons of using open source AI, focusing on customization, maintenance, and security.
  • An overview of real-life use cases of open source AI.
  • The contribution of open source AI toward promoting innovation and facilitating access to technology.
  • Outlining critical factors to remember when choosing and using an open-source AI platform.

Wrapping Up

At Modev, we have a flair for innovative and cutting-edge tech - and we're all about shining a spotlight on it. So we're both thrilled and proud to have the opportunity to partner with GitHub at this year's conference. Their talented speakers have far-reaching knowledge and insights to share, so we're sure you'll want to be a part of that.

We hope to see you September 5th through the 7th at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC, for VOICE & AI. You can register today at https://www.voiceand.ai/. And you can look at the complete conference program here.

About Modev

Modev believes that markets are made and thus focuses on bringing together the right ingredients to accelerate market growth. Modev has been instrumental in the growth of mobile applications, cloud, and generative AI and is exploring new markets such as climate tech. Founded in 2008 on the simple belief that human connection is vital in the era of digital transformation, Modev makes markets by bringing together high-profile key decision-makers, partners, and influencers. Today, Modev produces market-leading events such as VOICE & AI and the soon-to-be-released Developers.AI series of hands-on training events. Modev staff, better known as "Modevators," include community building and transformation experts worldwide. 

To learn more about Modev, and the breadth of events offered live and virtually, visit Modev's website and join Modev on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

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VOICE & AI | Oct 28-30, 2024 | Arlington, VA

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